The Best Way to Become the Woman With the Most Viewed Dating Profile

The Best Way to Become the Woman With the Most Viewed Dating Profile

The Best Way to Become the Woman With the Most Viewed Dating Profile

3 Ways to Become the Woman with the Most Viewed Dating Profile


Men like boobies. If you want your profile to be viewed by the most men, then what you're looking for a healthy supply of boobies in your main profile picture. Nevermind what you have to say about yourself or what authors you like to read. These are largely irrelevant to having your profile viewed by the largest amount of men. What you're going to want to do instead of listing Margaret Atwood as an inspirational writer, if has a nice shot of your cleavage in your main profile picture. While this may sound tacky and classless, largely because it is, it will result in you having the most viewed dating profile, which when you think of that as a prime motive for internet dating, it is itself tacky and classless. The most successful dating profiles aren't going to be the most boobalicious. You're not trying to attract every man on the site. You're trying to attract the right men. And in order to do that, you have to entice them with something other than your boobies, since boobies are an almost universal draw for straight males. So, the trick is to not to have the dating profile with the most views, but if that's what you want to do, then the clear method for that is boobies. If you're the kind of woman who thinks that having the most viewed profile online is really end all and be all of internet dating, then you need to think about your reasoning here. Do you think beautiful, confident women care how many men view their dating profile? Of course not.

Be Generic Enough to Attract Anyone

The best dating profiles for ladies are ones that do not necessarily attract the most attention from every man on the site. The trick is being true to yourself and your own interests. You're not trying to attract just anyone, you want to attract the right someones, and in order to do that you need to show yourself as you really are. You can photoshop pics of yourself and make your profile pictures look like the hottest woman ever, and that might get you plenty of messages, and also disappointing dates. The best dating profiles are honest, warts and all. They feature recent photos and give viewers an honest sense of what you look like. Headshots are often deceptive because they don't show what you look like completely. So a good dating profile is going to include a full body shot.

Be Open for Anything

When writing dating profiles, it's best to keep in mind that people are attracted to other people who have similar interests to them. Even on hookup sites it's better to get a feel for shared interests so that you have something to talk about and other things to relate to outside of sex. Possible topics for an online bio include what you do for a living, what you're hoping to get out of a dating site, what sorts of activities you're interested in, the kind of music you like, what you're aspirations are for the future, and characteristics you find attractive in a mate. What you don't want to do is sound so generic that you will appeal to anyone. You want to appeal to the right someone. That, in essence, is the purpose of a successful dating profile.